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Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Boost your talent with psychosocial wellness.
Empower your team achieve work excellence because a mentally resilient team is the key to unparalleled success.

Comprehensive Employee Assistance Program for Your Talent

Offered training
Psychosocial Wellbeing In OSH Program
Psychological First Aid Program
Resilience At Workplace Program
Sexual Harassment Program
Stress Psychosocial Program
Trauma Induced Care Program
Improving Mental Health Program
Mental Health Awareness Program
Transitioning To Retirement Program
Empowering Parents Program
Pre Divorce Education Program
Pre Marital Education Program
psychosocial wellness in digits

Does An Employee’s psychosocial wellness Affect the Organization’s Productivity?


Malaysian employees suffer from burnout

2.3 Million

Malaysian affected by mental health challenge in life


individuals (16-24 years old) indicated higher level of stress and anxiety

1.61 Million

Malaysian suffer from some form of anxiety

An Integrated Platform that Manages Your Talent Wellbeing Needs
Obtain a real-time data analysis, statistics and reporting with i-care